First can Export current Setting files -

Need empty USB Flash Drive, Plug into unit


System Vers/Info (7890 ok)

Sys Settings 

Scroll to the bottom - Press Export Settings

(Files should be exported to the Flash Drive)

Move those Files to Computer for Later Use


Than can do Format on Unit - 

Download Update file

Eq. px3.img or update.img

Rename the file to

"px3_format.img" or


Put px3_format.img file in Flash Drive

plug into Unit, press the RST button with Paperclip 

and unit should restart then automatically run the px3_format.img file

after file is complete

delete the px3_format.img file


Go back to computer and put the 

files we had exported earlier into the Flash Drive

Put the Flash drive in the unit

go to 



Check Mark Reset Factory Settings

How to Video -